Setting up an OpenLDAP server on Debian Wheezy. Continue reading
Disable SSLv3 (POODLE Vulnerability) on Nginx, Apache and IIS
RE: CVE-2014-3566. Continue reading
Amazon SES SMTP Outbound Email Configuration with SSMTP on Debian
Configure SSMTP to send emails via Amazon SES. Continue reading
Convert IAM Secret Access Key to SES SMTP Password in Bash
Obtaining Amazon SES SMTP credentials by converting AWS credentials in Bash. Continue reading
Move tempdb on MSSQL Server 2008
Moving tempdb to another disk. Continue reading
Web Application and Server Security Testing on Ubuntu 14.04 with Lynis, Nmap, Nikto, Wapiti, w3af, Arachni and Skipfish
Installation notes with simple scans. Continue reading
Prevent IE from Changing .apk, .xap and .ipa Extensions to .zip (Apache)
In Internet Explorer .apk, .xap and .ipa extensions are removed and replaced with .zip instead. Continue reading
Configure BIND as a Catching-only DNS Server on Debian
When a DNS server resolves a query, it returns the answer to the client. The DNS server also stores the answer in its cache for the period of time that was allowed by the record’s TTL value. This way any subsequent requests are processed faster when the nameserver is asked to resolve the same names again. Caching-only server does not forward any zones. Continue reading
Disk Cleanup on Windows Server 2008 Without Installing Desktop Experience
Windows Server 2008 is something every admin likes to work with (sense the sarcasm over the Internet, Dr Cooper?). Continue reading
Installation Notes for WordPress (Apache, MySQL, ProFTPd)
Notes for installing WordPress on Debian. Continue reading