Installing mod_jk on Apache. Continue reading
Monitoring Tomcat with Nagios Core and jmx4perl
This articles serves as a reference for Nagios plugin check_jmx4perl and does not aim to provide any installation nor configuration instructions. Continue reading
Nagios Core Upgrade on CentOS 7
We are going to upgrade Nagios Core from 4.1.1 to 4.3.4. Continue reading
CentOS 7 Server Hardening Guide
This guide is based on a minimal CentOS 7 install following the idea that you only install software that you require. Continue reading
Nagiosgraph with Nagios Core: Graph Icons not Visible
We have Nagios Core 4.x with Nagiosgraph 1.5.2 installed. Continue reading
Setting up a NetApp NFSv4 Share for Linux Guests
Trying to set up a NetApp Data ONTAP NFSv4 share. Continue reading
Set up MongoDB Authentication for Graylog
I’ve been running MongoDB without authentication for some time, until recently, it had failed a Lynis security audit. Continue reading
Configure Tripwire on CentOS 7
Open Source Tripwire is a free software security and data integrity tool useful for monitoring and alerting on specific file changes on a range of systems. Open Source Tripwire functions as a host-based intrusion detection system. Continue reading
Send Squid Logs to Graylog
Using GELF to send Squid logs to Graylog. Continue reading
Send Apache Logs to Graylog
I was looking for an easy way to forward Apache access logs to Graylog, and came across GELF. Continue reading