Working with Katello – part 6. We will configure OpenSCAP plugin to receive automated vulnerability assessment and security compliance audits from Foreman hosts. Continue reading
Configure HAProxy and Keepalived with Puppet
We’re going to use Puppet to install and configure HAProxy to load balance Apache web services. We’ll also configure Keepalived to provide failover capabilities. Continue reading
Configure Apache Server and Deploy WordPress with Puppet
We’re going to use Puppet to install Apache and WordPress. Continue reading
Configure Active/Passive NFS Server on a Pacemaker Cluster with Puppet
We’re going to use Puppet to install Pacemaker/Corosync and configure an NFS cluster. Continue reading
Configure MySQL Replication with Puppet
We’re going to use Puppet to install MySQL and configure Master/Master replication. Continue reading
Configure Graylog Server with Puppet
We’re going to use Puppet to install and configure a Graylog server. Continue reading
Configure Zabbix Monitoring Server with Puppet
We’re going to use Puppet to install and configure a Zabbix server. We will also allow active Zabbix agent auto-registration. Continue reading
Configure OpenLDAP Master/Slave Replication with Puppet
We’re going to use Puppet to configure a pair of OpenLDAP servers with a master-slave replication. Continue reading
Katello: Separate Lifecycle for Puppet Modules
Working with Katello – part 5. We’re going to configure a separate lifecycle for Puppet modules. Continue reading
Katello: Working with Puppet Modules and Creating the Main Manifest
Working with Katello – part 4. We’re going to install Puppet modules, we’re also going to create a custom firewall module, define some rules, configure Puppet to serve files from a custom location and declare the site manifest. Continue reading