LPIC-2: Linux Certified Engineer Study Guide

LPIC is a distribution-neutral Linux based certification. If you’re studying towards LPIC-2, then you may find this page helpful.

A Brief Introduction to LPIC-2

LPIC-2 is an Advanced Level Linux Certification. You must have an active LPIC-1 certification to receive LPIC-2 certification, but the LPIC-1 and LPIC-2 exams may be taken in any order. To pass LPIC-2 you should be able to:

  1. perform advanced system administration, including common tasks regarding the Linux kernel, system startup and maintenance;
  2. perform advanced management of block storage and file systems as well as advanced networking and authentication and system security, including firewall and VPN;
  3. install and configure fundamental network services, including DHCP, DNS, SSH, Web servers, file servers using FTP, NFS and Samba, email delivery; and
  4. supervise assistants and advise management on automation and purchases.

This page is based on the latest version 4.5 of the LPIC-2 exams.

Objectives and Study Resources

Exam Objectives (Version 4.5) and Study Guide

LPI 117-201 exam objectives: https://www.lpi.org/our-certifications/exam-201-objectives
LPI 117-202 exam objectives: https://www.lpi.org/our-certifications/exam-202-objectives

Self-study Material

  1. LPIC-2 Linux Professional Institute Certification Study Guide by Roderick W. Smith, 654 pages, May 2011.
  2. LPIC-2: Linux Professional Institute Certification Study Guide: Exam 201 and Exam 202 2nd Edition by Christine Bresnahan, 768 pages, October 2016.
  3. LPIC-2 Exam Prep free material available at https://lpic2book.github.io/src/.

I recommend to set up a home lab and get your hands on.

LPI 201 Exam Topics Priorities and Weighting

Topics Priorities

200: Capacity Planning (8)

Measure and Troubleshoot Linux CPU Resource Usage
Measure and Troubleshoot Linux Memory Resource Usage
Measure and Troubleshoot Linux Disk I/O Resource Usage
Measure and Troubleshoot Linux Network Resource Usage
Installing Zabbix 1.8.19 From Source on Debian Wheezy

201: Linux Kernel (9)

Compile and Install Linux Kernel 3.12.5 on Debian Wheezy
Install Gentoo Linux from Debian Wheezy

202: System Startup (9)

Exploring Linux Runlevels and Their Purposes (SysVinit)
GRUB2 Rescue Mode

203: Filesystem and Devices (9)

Tune Up Arch Linux Installation on Raspberry Pi (creating and enabling a SWAP file)
Extend an Encrypted LUKS Partition (resize a partition)
Using Smartctl, Smartd and Hddtemp on Debian

204: Advanced Storage Device Administration (8)

Setup Linux Software RAID10 to Store MySQL Data Files and Databases
Using Linux LVM on Amazon EC2 Ubuntu Server
Oracle Linux iSCSI Installation and Configuration
iSCSI Target and Initiator Configuration on RHEL 7

205: Networking Configuration (11)

Manually and Automatically Configure Network Interfaces on Linux
Connect to WPA/WPA2 Secured Wireless Network on Debian Wheezy Using Command Line
Finding Open Ports and Listening Services on Linux: Nmap, Netstat, lsof and ss
Create and Attach a Second Elastic Network Interface with EIP to EC2 VPC Instance (with Routing)
Setup DHCP Server on CentOS 6
Configure fault-tolerance Network Bonding on Oracle Linux
Setup CentOS 6 Linux Server as a Router Using Iptables
Configure Aggregated Network Links on RHEL 7: Bonding and Teaming

206: System Maintenance (6)

Build and Install Dahdi Framework on Switchvox (CentOS 5) (installing from source)
My Linux Bash Script to Upload Encrypted MySQL Backups to Remote FTPS Server (backups)

LPI 202 Exam Topics Priorities and Weighting

Topics Priorities

207: Domain Name Server (8)

Configure BIND as a Catching-only DNS Server on Debian Wheezy
Setup BIND DNS Server on CentOS 6
Caching-only DNS Server on RHEL 7

208: Web Services (11)

Set Up LAMP on Arch Linux (Raspberry Pi)
Nginx Reverse Proxy for Apache2 (LAMP) with TLS/SSL on Debian Wheezy
Advanced Apache Configuration with SELinux on RHEL 7
Install and Configure Squid3 Caching Proxy on Debian Wheezy
Configure Squid for OpenLDAP Authentication

209: File Sharing (8)

Install and Configure Samba Server on Debian Wheezy
Samba Server on RHEL 7
Install NFS and Configure Shares on Debian Wheezy
Setup NFS Server on CentOS 6
Setup NFS Server on CentOS 7 and Configure Client Automount
Kerberised NFS Server on RHEL 7

210: Network Client Management (11)

Fundamentals of Internet Protocols (IPv4)
Install and Configure an OpenLDAP Server with SSL on Debian Wheezy
Setup LDAP Authentication on CentOS 7
OpenLDAP with SSL and NFS for User Home Directories on CentOS 7

211: E-Mail Services (8)

Postfix + Courier IMAP + MySQL + SASL + TLS on Debian Wheezy
Setup Postfix to Relay Mail to an External SMTP Server on CentOS 6
Configure RHEL 7 to Forward All Email to a Central Mail Server

212: System Security (14)

Configure Iptables Firewall on a Debian Wheezy PC
Firewalld Rich and Direct Rules: Setup RHEL 7 Server as a Router
Setting Up ProFTPd on Debian Wheezy with Explicit FTPS and Alternate mod_auth_file File
OpenSSH Server Installation and Configuration
Finding Open Ports and Listening Services on Linux: Nmap, Netstat, lsof and ss
OpenVPN Server Setup on Linux
OpenVPN Client Setup on Linux

4 thoughts on “LPIC-2

  1. Tomas, i am enjoying studying from these resources. Thank you very much for making them available.
    I am studying for my lpic 2 second part.
    Hopefully, if I pass it, then I intend to take exam 303 that deals entirely with security, and i’ll try to post those resources on here.
    Take care.

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