We are going to harden our Kubernetes cluster to use TLS 1.3 only. Continue reading
Author Archives: Lisenet
How to Mount an AWS S3 Bucket Locally on Linux Using Mountpoint
The day has finally come. Mountpoint for Amazon S3 is now generally available. Probably the most anticipated headline since ChatGPT. Continue reading
libcrypt.so.1: cannot open shared object file when upgrading from Debian Buster to Bullseye
Having fun while upgrading Debian 10 to 11. Continue reading
Migrating HA Kubernetes Cluster from Rocky Linux 8 to Rocky Linux 9
Kubernetes homelab migration to the latest version of Rocky Linux. Continue reading
Configure PXE Boot Server for Rocky Linux 9/CentOS 9 Kickstart Installation
Preparing to migrate homelab infrastructure from Rocky 8 to Rocky 9. Continue reading
Get Rid of Ubuntu Pro Advertisement when Updating Apt
Getting rid of terminal ads on Ubuntu. Continue reading
Mongo Shell SyntaxError Identifier Directly After Number
Working with MongoDB 6.0 and mongosh
1.10.0. Continue reading
Replacing a Failed Control Plane Node in a HA Kubernetes Cluster
We have a failed control plane node in our highly available multi-master Kubernetes cluster that we need to replace. Continue reading
Reset the Licensing Status of a Windows Server Machine
How to reset the licensing status of a Windows server so that it does not shut down automatically. Continue reading
Kiali Does Not See istio-ingressgateway Installed in Separate Kubernetes Namespace
When using a Helm chart for Kiali server deployment, the default values file does not have an option to specify a different namespace for istio-ingressgateway. Continue reading