I read an article about TrueNAS enabling container storage for Kubernetes by using the Democratic CSI driver to provide direct access to the storage system, and jumped right in.
Up until now I was using my own DIY NAS server to provide various services to the homelab environment, including NFS, which worked great to be honest with you, but it did not have a CSI.
We are using our Kubernetes homelab to deploy democratic-csi.
You will need a TrueNAS Core server. Note that installation of TrueNAS is beyond the scope of this article.
The Plan
In this article, we are going to do the following:
- Configure TrueNAS Core 12.0-U3 to provide NFS services.
- Configure democratic-csi for Kubernetes using Helm.
- Create Kubernetes persistent volumes.
The IP address of the TrueNAS server is
Our Kubernetes nodes are pre-configured to use NFS, therefore no change is required. If you’re deploying a new set of CentOS servers, make sure to install the package nfs-utils
Configure TrueNAS Core
A shout-out to Jonathan Gazeley and his blog post that helped me to get TrueNAS configured in no time.
Create a Storage Pool
We’ve created a storage pool called homelab-hdd/k8s/nfs
Enable NFS and SSH Services
We are interested in NFS and SSH, no other service is required. Note that S.M.A.R.T should be enabled by default.
Configure NFS Service
Make sure to enable the following:
- Enable NFSv4.
- NFSv3 ownership model for NFSv4.
Configure SSH Passwordless Authentication
Kubernetes will require access to the TrueNAS API with a privileged user. For the homelab server, we will use the root user with passwordless authentication.
Generate an SSH keypair:
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C root@truenas.hl.test -f truenas_rsa
$ cat ./truenas_rsa.pub ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC5uztUHLU+dYDtj+23MQEpRt/ov4JZG+pw9bKRCbkBKC8aDhxYtJrNyoViGSR4diXORDDH8KA3JCbKVfHKDQhrXy+13aUGOVA/k/oCP/IgQH9spU1QHPCJOCMhIAVzp2lePLzC2ZKcFusFk0mpkCbGTbklt+uLs96+IsrOyhifBgOdmAt7o2FK8H6hl/Wddgk5ARSjPrc10aPxgGo/Gwg4RjGpopOtuRQeHNCC7/RAXzRxJLS7l7BYr/4yI+Gi4kas8sFWx2D0df0c3d/+SM2mccdNRCySywXlgD9tFhf6uCFpfdsnarzMxmH3P0LnxMDWwhisoohIHR3ErzkY4RgX root@truenas.hl.test
Navigate to Accounts > Users > root and add the public SSH key. Also change the shell to bash.
Verify that you can SSH into the TrueNAS server using the SSH key and the root account:
$ ssh -i ./truenas_rsa root@ Last login: Fri Apr 23 19:47:07 2021 FreeBSD 12.2-RELEASE-p6 f2858df162b(HEAD) TRUENAS TrueNAS (c) 2009-2021, iXsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. TrueNAS code is released under the modified BSD license with some files copyrighted by (c) iXsystems, Inc. For more information, documentation, help or support, go here: http://truenas.com Welcome to TrueNAS truenas#
Generate a TrueNAS API Key
Navigate to settings (cog icon) > API Keys and generate a key. Give it some name, e.g. root. The key will be used to authenitcate with the TrueNAS HTTP server.
Configure Kubernetes democratic-csi
Helm Installation
$ helm repo add democratic-csi https://democratic-csi.github.io/charts/ $ helm repo update $ helm search repo democratic-csi/
Configure Helm Values File
The content of our file freenas-nfs.yaml
can be seen below. Example configuration can be found in democratic-csi’s GitHub repository.
csiDriver: name: "org.democratic-csi.nfs" storageClasses: - name: freenas-nfs-csi defaultClass: false reclaimPolicy: Retain volumeBindingMode: Immediate allowVolumeExpansion: true parameters: fsType: nfs mountOptions: - noatime - nfsvers=4 secrets: provisioner-secret: controller-publish-secret: node-stage-secret: node-publish-secret: controller-expand-secret: driver: config: driver: freenas-nfs instance_id: httpConnection: protocol: http host: port: 80 # This is the API key that we generated previously apiKey: 1-fAP3JzEaXXLGyKam8ZnotarealkeyIKJ6nnKUX5ARd5v0pw0cADEkqnH1S079v username: root allowInsecure: true apiVersion: 2 sshConnection: host: port: 22 username: root # This is the SSH key that we generated for passwordless authentication privateKey: | -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEogIBAAKCAQEAubs7VBy1PnWA7Y/ttzEBKUbf6L+CWRvqcPWykQm5ASgvGg4c [...] tl4biLpseFQgV3INtM0NNW4+LlTSAnjApDtNzttX/h5HTBLHyoc= -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- zfs: # Make sure to use the storage pool that was created previously datasetParentName: homelab-hdd/k8s/nfs/vols detachedSnapshotsDatasetParentName: homelab-hdd/k8s/nfs/snaps datasetEnableQuotas: true datasetEnableReservation: false datasetPermissionsMode: "0777" datasetPermissionsUser: root datasetPermissionsGroup: wheel nfs: shareHost: shareAlldirs: false shareAllowedHosts: [] shareAllowedNetworks: [] shareMaprootUser: root shareMaprootGroup: wheel shareMapallUser: "" shareMapallGroup: ""
Install the democratic-csi Helm Chart
$ helm upgrade \ --install \ --create-namespace \ --values freenas-nfs.yaml \ --namespace democratic-csi \ zfs-nfs democratic-csi/democratic-csi
Verify that pods are up and running:
$ kubectl -n democratic-csi get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE zfs-nfs-democratic-csi-controller-5dbfcb7896-89tqv 4/4 Running 0 39h zfs-nfs-democratic-csi-node-6nz29 3/3 Running 0 39h zfs-nfs-democratic-csi-node-bdt47 3/3 Running 0 39h zfs-nfs-democratic-csi-node-c7p6h 3/3 Running 0 39h
$ kubectl get sc NAME PROVISIONER RECLAIMPOLICY VOLUMEBINDINGMODE ALLOWVOLUMEEXPANSION AGE freenas-nfs-csi org.democratic-csi.nfs Retain Immediate true 39h
Create Persistent Volumens
We are going to create a persistent volume for Grafana. See the content of the file grafana-pvc.yml
--- apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: nfs-pvc-grafana namespace: monitoring labels: app: grafana annotations: volume.beta.kubernetes.io/storage-class: "freenas-nfs-csi" spec: storageClassName: freenas-nfs-csi accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 500Mi
Create a persistent volume claim:
$ kubectl apply -f ./grafana-pvc.yml
$ kubectl -n monitoring get pvc -l app=grafana NAME STATUS VOLUME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS AGE nfs-pvc-grafana Bound pvc-371089f8-3c6e-49c6-b6d7-bf2b8ec16108 500Mi RWO freenas-nfs-csi 18h
Related Posts
Add Second Disk to Existing TrueNAS Pool in Mirror Configuration (RAID1)
It’s nice,
and i follow the guide.
But at the end i get:
Any idea whats could be wrong?
Hi, the error message suggests that the TrueNAS host in unreachable. Can you check the following:
1. Is this the IP address of the TrueNAS server?
2. Is SSH service on the TrueNAS server enabled?
3. Is firewall on the TrueNAS server configured to allow incoming SSH traffic?
4. Can you SSH into the TrueNAS server as the root user from a Kubernetes host?
Hi Lisenet, everything works as indicated. Thank you.
quick question, what if I have two freenas/truenas and I want them both as PV for the cluster that way I do not have to put every deployments on one NFS server? what values should I replace on the freenas-nfs.yml? Appreciate your help.
Hi, thanks, I’m glad it worked for you.
May I ask what is it that you are trying to achieve? If you need high availability for storage, then I’d suggest to use multiple disks with TrueNAS in a RAID. If you need high availability for the NFS server, then you should use one that has two separate power circuits and two UPS systems, two network card with a bonded interface for redundancy etc.
If you want to use two instances of TrueNAS, then you will have to create two PVs, one on each storage array. Please see Kubernetes documentation for more info about PVs.
Hi Lisenet,
Thans very much for your guide, it worked well !
But I still have a problem. I tried to apply the pvc that we created as an “existingClaim” in a configuration file of mariadb, and I also indicated the StorageClass, but there was nothing applied to the excint pvc in the meanwhile, there was a new pvc pending…
Perhaps you can help me with that ?
Hello everyone
Thank you for the documentation! Im stuck with container creation. The pods are always in a state of “ContainerCreating”.
seaser@homeserver03:~$ kubectl -n democratic-csi get pods
zfs-nfs-democratic-csi-node-q8pfr 0/3 ContainerCreating 0 4m36s
zfs-nfs-democratic-csi-node-z4vgd 0/3 ContainerCreating 0 4m36s
zfs-nfs-democratic-csi-node-rgqzp 0/3 ContainerCreating 0 4m36s
zfs-nfs-democratic-csi-controller-5c4f449c6d-mjv2k 4/4 Running 0 4m36s
I0622 05:39:36.845632 1 csi-provisioner.go:132] Version: v2.1.0
I0622 05:39:36.845649 1 csi-provisioner.go:155] Building kube configs for running in cluster…
I0622 05:39:36.853723 1 connection.go:153] Connecting to unix:///csi-data/csi.sock
I0622 05:39:39.942724 1 common.go:111] Probing CSI driver for readiness
I0622 05:39:39.942739 1 connection.go:182] GRPC call: /csi.v1.Identity/Probe
I0622 05:39:39.942743 1 connection.go:183] GRPC request: {}
I0622 05:39:40.053698 1 connection.go:185] GRPC response: {“ready”:{“value”:true}}
I0622 05:39:40.053801 1 connection.go:186] GRPC error:
I0622 05:39:40.053809 1 connection.go:182] GRPC call: /csi.v1.Identity/GetPluginInfo
I0622 05:39:40.053812 1 connection.go:183] GRPC request: {}
I0622 05:39:40.056092 1 connection.go:185] GRPC response: {“name”:”org.democratic-csi.nfs”,”vendor_version”:”1.2.0″}
I0622 05:39:40.056134 1 connection.go:186] GRPC error:
I0622 05:39:40.056142 1 csi-provisioner.go:202] Detected CSI driver org.democratic-csi.nfs
I0622 05:39:40.056151 1 connection.go:182] GRPC call: /csi.v1.Identity/GetPluginCapabilities
I0622 05:39:40.056158 1 connection.go:183] GRPC request: {}
I0622 05:39:40.059424 1 connection.go:185] GRPC response: {“capabilities”:[{“Type”:{“Service”:{“type”:1}}},{“Type”:{“VolumeExpansion”:{“type”:1}}}]}
I0622 05:39:40.059558 1 connection.go:186] GRPC error:
I0622 05:39:40.059568 1 connection.go:182] GRPC call: /csi.v1.Controller/ControllerGetCapabilities
I0622 05:39:40.059573 1 connection.go:183] GRPC request: {}
I0622 05:39:40.061972 1 connection.go:185] GRPC response: {“capabilities”:[{“Type”:{“Rpc”:{“type”:1}}},{“Type”:{“Rpc”:{“type”:3}}},{“Type”:{“Rpc”:{“type”:4}}},{“Type”:{“Rpc”:{“type”:5}}},{“Type”:{“Rpc”:{“type”:6}}},{“Type”:{“Rpc”:{“type”:7}}},{“Type”:{“Rpc”:{“type”:9}}}]}
I0622 05:39:40.062058 1 connection.go:186] GRPC error:
I0622 05:39:40.062111 1 csi-provisioner.go:244] CSI driver does not support PUBLISH_UNPUBLISH_VOLUME, not watching VolumeAttachments
I0622 05:39:40.062779 1 controller.go:753] Using saving PVs to API server in background
I0622 05:39:40.063639 1 leaderelection.go:243] attempting to acquire leader lease democratic-csi/org-democratic-csi-nfs…
Any advice how to troubleshoot this issue?
Could you post the deployment and daemon set logs?
Hi Lisenet,
It was working fine for me but for the past few days now I have been getting the following error in the logs:
I0728 14:48:13.040870 1 feature_gate.go:243] feature gates: &{map[]}
I0728 14:48:13.040926 1 csi-provisioner.go:138] Version: v2.2.2
I0728 14:48:13.040951 1 csi-provisioner.go:161] Building kube configs for running in cluster…
I0728 14:48:13.048174 1 connection.go:153] Connecting to unix:///csi-data/csi.sock
I0728 14:48:13.048711 1 common.go:111] Probing CSI driver for readiness
I0728 14:48:13.048734 1 connection.go:182] GRPC call: /csi.v1.Identity/Probe
I0728 14:48:13.048740 1 connection.go:183] GRPC request: {}
I0728 14:48:13.050782 1 connection.go:185] GRPC response: {}
I0728 14:48:13.051093 1 connection.go:186] GRPC error: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = Bad Gateway: HTTP status code 502; transport: missing content-type field
E0728 14:48:13.051126 1 csi-provisioner.go:203] CSI driver probe failed: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = Bad Gateway: HTTP status code 502; transport: missing content-type field
Hi Adeel, have you made any changes to your config at all? Are you using SSH password or key? Are you using root?
Check TrueNASs log
.hey, i have the same error
have you found any solution to it?
I solve this problem
GREAT walk through! Worked perfectly…however, how do I add ANOTHER storage class using a different disk. I created a 2nd pool for a different disk array…so do I create ANOTHER helm chart or can I update the original and just append it with a new ZFS and NFS block with a different path?
Thanks Eric. While I’ve not tried this, but I think you should be able to define it in the same Helm chart under
. Make sure to give it a different name though.Hi Lisenet it’s not working
– truenas ssh connection test
– freenas NFS Service settings
– kube-master node log
Hi, can you provide container logs please?
thank you Lisenet
my k8s cluster is calico-cni
Truenas is
it’s my fault
k8s , Truenas (Network Segmentation)
Now working !!!
$ k get po -n democratic-csi
zfs-nfs-democratic-csi-controller-55cb498d9c-d95sr 5/5 Running 0 22m
zfs-nfs-democratic-csi-node-6rmrg 4/4 Running 0 22m
zfs-nfs-democratic-csi-node-7rfqf 4/4 Running 0 22m
zfs-nfs-democratic-csi-node-qk7vv 4/4 Running 0 22m
$ k get pvc
test-claim-nfs Bound pvc-1dcf25e6-9c19-48c6-9262-5f1c8ce66cc5 1Gi RWO freenas-nfs-csi 10m
Oh, overlapping network ranges, I see. No worries, I’m glad you sorted it out.
Pods crashed with mysterious errors – ‘ dig a lot of digging, and found it started working when I used “OPENSSH” instead of “RSA” in the cert-part of the config, as below.
Sample error I encountered was `GRPC error: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = unexpected HTTP status code received from server: 502 (Bad Gateway); malformed header: missing HTTP content-type`.
‘ hope it helps anyone with the same problem.
And one more – datasetPermissionsUser and datasetPermissionsGroup must both be 0 now, see https://github.com/democratic-csi/democratic-csi/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#v153.
datasetPermissionsUser: 0
datasetPermissionsGroup: 0
shareMaprootUser: 0
shareMaprootGroup: 0
Not sure what’s going on, but the node pods are all stuck in ContainerCreating (stuck there for hours). The controller pod is running so I’m not sure what I should be looking at.
Check the latest events in the K8s cluster to see if anything’s been logged:
Also check
systemd service logs:Check daemonset logs:
Dump pod and container logs as well if at all possible:
Check TrueNAS access logs.
I figured it out. I had set the wrong path for kubelet. I was setting that to the kubelet binary instead of /var/lib/kubelet
Hi I’m running into an issue with the controller continually being restarted & going into crashLoopBackOff. I’ve reinstalled the chart cleanly a couple times. Also installed it w/ the raw yaml after doing a helm template & double checking that none of the values are coming out strangely. Any idea what’s going on here? Hopefully i’m missing something obvious
dave@nomad:~/code/home_lab/zfs$ kubectl get all -n democratic-csi
pod/zfs-nfs-democratic-csi-controller-544f7b74cc-t54t9 2/5 CrashLoopBackOff 21 (15s ago) 9m17s
pod/zfs-nfs-democratic-csi-node-6cwf7 4/4 Running 0 9m17s
pod/zfs-nfs-democratic-csi-node-6x9k4 4/4 Running 0 9m17s
pod/zfs-nfs-democratic-csi-node-c9zf8 4/4 Running 0 9m17s
pod/zfs-nfs-democratic-csi-node-d4xdh 4/4 Running 0 9m17s
pod/zfs-nfs-democratic-csi-node-gccv2 4/4 Running 0 9m17s
pod/zfs-nfs-democratic-csi-node-h42sv 4/4 Running 0 9m17s
pod/zfs-nfs-democratic-csi-node-mm2nz 4/4 Running 0 9m17s
pod/zfs-nfs-democratic-csi-node-mp8rf 4/4 Running 0 9m17s
pod/zfs-nfs-democratic-csi-node-phwzj 4/4 Running 0 9m17s
pod/zfs-nfs-democratic-csi-node-wfdh2 4/4 Running 0 9m17s
daemonset.apps/zfs-nfs-democratic-csi-node 10 10 10 10 10 kubernetes.io/os=linux 9m17s
deployment.apps/zfs-nfs-democratic-csi-controller 0/1 1 0 9m17s
replicaset.apps/zfs-nfs-democratic-csi-controller-544f7b74cc 1 1 0 9m17s
Here are the logs from the controller, doesn’t matter which container in the pod I dump the logs for, same error:
dryhn@nomad:~/code/home_lab/zfs$ kubectl logs pod/zfs-nfs-democratic-csi-controller-544f7b74cc-t54t9 -c external-provisioner -n democratic-csi
I0325 18:14:00.864907 1 feature_gate.go:245] feature gates: &{map[]}
I0325 18:14:00.865156 1 csi-provisioner.go:139] Version: v3.1.0
I0325 18:14:00.865179 1 csi-provisioner.go:162] Building kube configs for running in cluster…
I0325 18:14:00.867427 1 connection.go:154] Connecting to unix:///csi-data/csi.sock
I0325 18:14:00.869143 1 common.go:111] Probing CSI driver for readiness
I0325 18:14:00.869197 1 connection.go:183] GRPC call: /csi.v1.Identity/Probe
I0325 18:14:00.869217 1 connection.go:184] GRPC request: {}
I0325 18:14:00.897279 1 connection.go:186] GRPC response: {}
I0325 18:14:00.897553 1 connection.go:187] GRPC error: rpc error: code = Internal desc = TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘replace’) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘replace’)
at FreeNASSshDriver.getDetachedSnapshotParentDatasetName (/home/csi/app/src/driver/controller-zfs/index.js:190:43)
at FreeNASSshDriver.Probe (/home/csi/app/src/driver/controller-zfs/index.js:552:14)
at requestHandlerProxy (/home/csi/app/bin/democratic-csi:217:49)
at Object.Probe (/home/csi/app/bin/democratic-csi:290:7)
at /home/csi/app/node_modules/@grpc/grpc-js/build/src/server.js:821:17
at Http2ServerCallStream.safeDeserializeMessage (/home/csi/app/node_modules/@grpc/grpc-js/build/src/server-call.js:395:13)
at ServerHttp2Stream.onEnd (/home/csi/app/node_modules/@grpc/grpc-js/build/src/server-call.js:382:22)
at ServerHttp2Stream.emit (node:events:525:35)
at endReadableNT (node:internal/streams/readable:1358:12)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:83:21)
E0325 18:14:00.897634 1 csi-provisioner.go:197] CSI driver probe failed: rpc error: code = Internal desc = TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘replace’) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘replace’)
at FreeNASSshDriver.getDetachedSnapshotParentDatasetName (/home/csi/app/src/driver/controller-zfs/index.js:190:43)
at FreeNASSshDriver.Probe (/home/csi/app/src/driver/controller-zfs/index.js:552:14)
at requestHandlerProxy (/home/csi/app/bin/democratic-csi:217:49)
at Object.Probe (/home/csi/app/bin/democratic-csi:290:7)
at /home/csi/app/node_modules/@grpc/grpc-js/build/src/server.js:821:17
at Http2ServerCallStream.safeDeserializeMessage (/home/csi/app/node_modules/@grpc/grpc-js/build/src/server-call.js:395:13)
at ServerHttp2Stream.onEnd (/home/csi/app/node_modules/@grpc/grpc-js/build/src/server-call.js:382:22)
at ServerHttp2Stream.emit (node:events:525:35)
at endReadableNT (node:internal/streams/readable:1358:12)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:83:21)
I figured it out… Silly problem… I’m new to TrueNas all together. I’m using the latest (Version: TrueNAS-13.0-U4) and couldn’t create datasets. In fact I couldn’t see the ellipses next to the pool at all. I couldn’t find any tutorials for this version so I thought they had been removed or something. Turns out, because I need glasses/can’t see really well & use Chrome’s zoom feature, the ellipses that lead to dataset creation were pushed off the screen & I didn’t notice. After getting that figured out /facePalm, the notes from @zyc were very handy because that was the next issue on deck. Things appear to be working fine now. Thanks!
Hi Lisenet:
I am getting below errors on controller pods for ISCSI/NFS. I am suspecting something on calico-CNI side but unclear as to what might be causing this. Any help would be appreciated
Lab Setup is vmware sandboxed env. k8s cluster on
FreeNas setup external to env, 172.19.x.x.
–All nodes and master have additional mgmt nic with uplink to net so can successfully ssh root@172.19.x.x to get to FREENAS
–Leveraging root/password and not API within the freenas-nfs/freenas-iscsi.yamls
zfs-iscsi-democratic-csi-controller-784db9f86d-29xg2 1/6 CrashLoopBackOff 1015 (32s ago) 16h 10.40.0.x k8s-worker1.virtual.lab
zfs-iscsi-democratic-csi-node-ms6vg 4/4 Running 0 16h 192.168.a.x k8s-worker2.virtual.lab
zfs-iscsi-democratic-csi-node-ndcmd 4/4 Running 0 16h 192.168.a.y k8s-worker3.virtual.lab
zfs-iscsi-democratic-csi-node-vhfqj 4/4 Running 0 16h 192.168.a.z k8s-worker1.virtual.lab
zfs-nfs-democratic-csi-controller-df5866c7d-bn5rn 0/6 ContainerCreating 0 16h k8s-worker2.virtual.lab
zfs-nfs-democratic-csi-node-2lpqg 4/4 Running 0 16h 192.168.a.z k8s-worker3.virtual.lab
zfs-nfs-democratic-csi-node-jb26s 4/4 Running 0 16h 192.168.a.x k8s-worker1.virtual.lab
zfs-nfs-democratic-csi-node-qdx9g 4/4 Running 0 16h 192.168.a.y k8s-worker2.virtual.lab
–kubectl describe pod results:
ISCSI controller:
Name: zfs-iscsi-democratic-csi-controller-784db9f86d-29xg2
Namespace: democratic-csi
Priority: 0
Service Account: zfs-iscsi-democratic-csi-controller-sa
Node: k8s-worker1.virtual.lab/192.168.a.x
Start Time: Mon, 09 Oct 2023 15:18:31 -0400
Labels: app.kubernetes.io/component=controller-linux
Annotations: checksum/configmap: a8a5e1812efe56f6d3feb5b1497b6c0bac129fd7e9ba36203e5137727baed06f
checksum/secret: 2a0ba4b14b89ac6dc697be733fea109e95aee62abaa41cb6c4bb1b9b2ca035fb
Status: Running
IP: 10.40.0.x
IP: 10.40.0.x
Controlled By: ReplicaSet/zfs-iscsi-democratic-csi-controller-784db9f86d
Container ID: containerd://3936e52b16a890369321fa574d519deb29f5547aa7a4d307a5bfbed898f0f545
Image: registry.k8s.io/sig-storage/csi-attacher:v4.3.0
Image ID: registry.k8s.io/sig-storage/csi-attacher@sha256:4eb73137b66381b7b5dfd4d21d460f4b4095347ab6ed4626e0199c29d8d021af
Host Port:
State: Waiting
Reason: CrashLoopBackOff
Last State: Terminated
Reason: Error
Exit Code: 1
Started: Tue, 10 Oct 2023 08:12:49 -0400
Finished: Tue, 10 Oct 2023 08:12:49 -0400
Ready: False
Restart Count: 203
/csi-data from socket-dir (rw)
/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount from kube-api-access-5b8cw (ro)
Container ID: containerd://de01d1fc72a4527e02024a5733bc0c1bc0bf643d0b7b000ae090ea80250f7ee2
Image: registry.k8s.io/sig-storage/csi-provisioner:v3.5.0
Image ID: registry.k8s.io/sig-storage/csi-provisioner@sha256:d078dc174323407e8cc6f0f9abd4efaac5db27838f1564d0253d5e3233e3f17f
Host Port:
State: Waiting
Reason: CrashLoopBackOff
Last State: Terminated
Reason: Error
Exit Code: 1
Started: Tue, 10 Oct 2023 08:12:49 -0400
Finished: Tue, 10 Oct 2023 08:12:49 -0400
Ready: False
Restart Count: 203
Type Reason Age From Message
—- —— —- —- ——-
Warning Unhealthy 23m (x189 over 16h) kubelet Liveness probe failed: grpc implementation: @grpc/grpc-js
Warning BackOff 3m25s (x5270 over 16h) kubelet Back-off restarting failed container
NFS controller:
.Name: zfs-nfs-democratic-csi-controller-df5866c7d-bn5rn
Namespace: democratic-csi
Priority: 0
Service Account: zfs-nfs-democratic-csi-controller-sa
Node: k8s-worker2.virtual.lab/
Start Time: Mon, 09 Oct 2023 15:48:56 -0400
Labels: app.kubernetes.io/component=controller-linux
Annotations: checksum/configmap: c8ee71c0aa17b0c84a0ca627cdb14f3aade323354081b870cb56f09293d03635
checksum/secret: 53183c5ecc7ed3a00e1b18e7e1cb47b1bab449efde5dc43d72c80b8f8247b549
Status: Pending
Controlled By: ReplicaSet/zfs-nfs-democratic-csi-controller-df5866c7d
Container ID:
Image: registry.k8s.io/sig-storage/csi-attacher:v4.3.0
Image ID:
Host Port:
State: Waiting
Reason: ContainerCreating
Ready: False
Restart Count: 0
Type Reason Age From Message
—- —— —- —- ——-
Warning FailedCreatePodSandBox 15s (x1248 over 4h33m) kubelet (combined from similar events): Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to setup network for sandbox “31aa5055e163132261216f383b70cfbcfc95a4f4db465428438576ba29e41fd0″: plugin type=”calico” failed (add): error getting ClusterInformation: Get “”: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of “crypto/rsa: verification error” while trying to verify candidate authority certificate “kubernetes”)
This is a cause for concern:
Have you installed, then reset, and then re-installed your Kubernetes cluster by any chance?
Could you post the output of
kubectl get no -o wide
k8s-master.virtual.lab Ready control-plane 62d v1.25.3 Rocky Linux 8.6 (Green Obsidian) 4.18.0-372.26.1.el8_6.x86_64 containerd://1.6.8
k8s-worker1.virtual.lab Ready 62d v1.25.3 Rocky Linux 8.6 (Green Obsidian) 4.18.0-372.26.1.el8_6.x86_64 containerd://1.6.8
k8s-worker2.virtual.lab Ready 62d v1.25.3 Rocky Linux 8.6 (Green Obsidian) 4.18.0-372.26.1.el8_6.x86_64 containerd://1.6.8
k8s-worker3.virtual.lab Ready 62d v1.25.3 Rocky Linux 8.6 (Green Obsidian) 4.18.0-372.26.1.el8_6.x86_64 containerd://1.6.8
There is a recent breaking change in democratic-csi, datasetPermissionsUser & datasetPermissionsGroup must be numeric now… in case someone ran into issues later.
Thanks Oliver, appreciate it.