We are going to install a Kubernetes control plane with two worker nodes using Ansible.
Note that installation of Ansible control node is not covered in this article.
This guide is based on Debian Stretch. You can use Ubuntu as well.
- Ansible control node with Ansible 2.9 to run playbooks.
- 3x Debian Stretch servers with the ansible user created for SSH.
- Each server should have 2x CPUs and 2GB of RAM.
file configured to resolve hostnames.
We are going to use the following ansible.cfg
[defaults] inventory = ./inventory remote_user = ansible host_key_checking = False private_key_file = ./files/id_rsa [privilege_escalation] become=False become_method=sudo become_user=root become_ask_pass=False
The content of the inventory
file can be seen below:
[k8s-master] [k8s-node] [k8s:children] k8s-master k8s-node
The Goal
To deploy a specific version of a 3-node Kubernetes cluster (one master and two worker nodes) with Calico networking and Kubernetes Dashboard.
Package Installation
Configure packet forwarding and install a specific version of Docker so that we can test upgrades later.
--- - name: Install Docker Server hosts: k8s become: true gather_facts: yes vars: docker_dependencies: - ca-certificates - gnupg - gnupg-agent - software-properties-common - apt-transport-https docker_packages: - docker-ce=5:18.09.6~3-0~debian-stretch - docker-ce-cli=5:18.09.6~3-0~debian-stretch - containerd.io - curl docker_url_apt_key: "https://download.docker.com/linux/debian/gpg" docker_repository: "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/debian stretch stable" tasks: - name: Debian | Configure Sysctl sysctl: name: "net.ipv4.ip_forward" value: "1" state: present - name: Debian | Install Prerequisites Packages package: name={{ item }} state=present force=yes loop: "{{ docker_dependencies }}" - name: Debian | Add GPG Keys apt_key: url: "{{ docker_url_apt_key }}" - name: Debian | Add Repo Source apt_repository: repo: "{{ docker_repository }}" update_cache: yes - name: Debian | Install Specific Version of Docker Packages package: name={{ item }} state=present force=yes install_recommends=no loop: "{{ docker_packages }}" notify: - start docker - name: Debian | Start and Enable Docker Service service: name: docker state: started enabled: yes handlers: - name: start docker service: name=docker state=started ...
Kubeadm and Kubelet
Install a specific version of kubeadm so that we can test upgrades later.
--- - name: Install Kubernetes Server hosts: k8s become: true gather_facts: yes vars: k8s_dependencies: - kubernetes-cni=0.6.0-00 - kubelet=1.13.1-00 k8s_packages: - kubeadm=1.13.1-00 - kubectl=1.13.1-00 k8s_url_apt_key: "https://packages.cloud.google.com/apt/doc/apt-key.gpg" k8s_repository: "deb https://apt.kubernetes.io/ kubernetes-xenial main" tasks: - name: Disable SWAP K8S will not work with swap enabled (1/2) command: swapoff -a when: ansible_swaptotal_mb > 0 - name: Debian | Remove SWAP from fstab K8S will not work with swap enabled (2/2) mount: name: "{{ item }}" fstype: swap state: absent with_items: - swap - none - name: Debian | Add GPG Key apt_key: url: "{{ k8s_url_apt_key }}" - name: Debian | Add Kubernetes Repository apt_repository: repo: "{{ k8s_repository }}" update_cache: yes - name: Debian | Install Dependencies package: name={{ item }} state=present force=yes install_recommends=no loop: "{{ k8s_dependencies }}" - name: Debian | Install Kubernetes Packages package: name={{ item }} state=present force=yes install_recommends=no loop: "{{ k8s_packages }}" ...
Kubernetes Configuration
Create a Kubernetes control plane and join two other servers as worker nodes. Note the content of the file files/dashboard-adminuser.yaml
apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: admin-user namespace: kube-system apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 kind: ClusterRoleBinding metadata: name: admin-user roleRef: apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io kind: ClusterRole name: cluster-admin subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: admin-user namespace: kube-system
Deploy Kubernetes cluster.
--- - name: Deploy Kubernetes Cluster hosts: k8s gather_facts: yes vars: k8s_pod_network: "" k8s_user: "ansible" k8s_user_home: "/home/{{ k8s_user }}" k8s_token_file: "join-k8s-command" k8s_admin_config: "/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf" k8s_dashboard_adminuser_config: "dashboard-adminuser.yaml" k8s_kubelet_config: "/etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf" k8s_dashboard_port: "6443" k8s_dashboard_url: "https://{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}:{{ k8s_dashboard_port }}/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/#!/login" calico_rbac_url: "https://docs.projectcalico.org/v3.3/getting-started/kubernetes/installation/hosted/rbac-kdd.yaml" calico_rbac_config: "rbac-kdd.yaml" calico_net_url: "https://docs.projectcalico.org/v3.3/getting-started/kubernetes/installation/hosted/kubernetes-datastore/calico-networking/1.7/calico.yaml" calico_net_config: "calico.yaml" dashboard_url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/dashboard/v1.10.1/src/deploy/recommended/kubernetes-dashboard.yaml" dashboard_config: "kubernetes-dashboard.yml" tasks: - name: Debian | Configure K8S Master Block block: - name: Debian | Initialise the Kubernetes cluster using kubeadm become: true command: kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr={{ k8s_pod_network }} args: creates: "{{ k8s_admin_config }}" - name: Debian | Setup kubeconfig for {{ k8s_user }} user file: path: "{{ k8s_user_home }}/.kube" state: directory owner: "{{ k8s_user }}" group: "{{ k8s_user }}" mode: "0750" - name: Debian | Copy {{ k8s_admin_config }} become: true copy: src: "{{ k8s_admin_config }}" dest: "{{ k8s_user_home }}/.kube/config" owner: "{{ k8s_user }}" group: "{{ k8s_user }}" mode: "0640" remote_src: yes - name: Debian | Download {{ calico_rbac_url }} get_url: url: "{{ calico_rbac_url }}" dest: "{{ k8s_user_home }}/{{ calico_rbac_config }}" owner: "{{ k8s_user }}" group: "{{ k8s_user }}" mode: "0640" - name: Debian | Download {{ calico_net_url }} get_url: url: "{{ calico_net_url }}" dest: "{{ k8s_user_home }}/{{ calico_net_config }}" owner: "{{ k8s_user }}" group: "{{ k8s_user }}" mode: "0640" - name: Debian | Set CALICO_IPV4POOL_CIDR to {{ k8s_pod_network }} replace: path: "{{ k8s_user_home }}/{{ calico_net_config }}" regexp: "" replace: "{{ k8s_pod_network }}" - name: Debian | Download {{ dashboard_url }} get_url: url: "{{ dashboard_url }}" dest: "{{ k8s_user_home }}/{{ dashboard_config }}" owner: "{{ k8s_user }}" group: "{{ k8s_user }}" mode: "0640" - name: Debian | Install calico pod network {{ calico_rbac_config }} become: false command: kubectl apply -f "{{ k8s_user_home }}/{{ calico_rbac_config }}" - name: Debian | Install calico pod network {{ calico_net_config }} become: false command: kubectl apply -f "{{ k8s_user_home }}/{{ calico_net_config }}" - name: Debian | Install K8S dashboard {{ dashboard_config }} become: false command: kubectl apply -f "{{ k8s_user_home }}/{{ dashboard_config }}" - name: Debian | Create service account become: false command: kubectl create serviceaccount dashboard -n default ignore_errors: yes - name: Debian | Create cluster role binding dashboard-admin become: false command: kubectl create clusterrolebinding dashboard-admin -n default --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=default:dashboard ignore_errors: yes - name: Debian | Create {{ k8s_dashboard_adminuser_config }} for service account copy: src: "files/{{ k8s_dashboard_adminuser_config }}" dest: "{{ k8s_user_home }}/{{ k8s_dashboard_adminuser_config }}" owner: "{{ k8s_user }}" group: "{{ k8s_user }}" mode: "0640" - name: Debian | Create service account become: false command: kubectl apply -f "{{ k8s_user_home }}/{{ k8s_dashboard_adminuser_config }}" ignore_errors: yes - name: Debian | Create cluster role binding cluster-system-anonymous become: false command: kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-system-anonymous --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=system:anonymous ignore_errors: yes - name: Debian | Test K8S dashboard and wait for HTTP 200 uri: url: "{{ k8s_dashboard_url }}" status_code: 200 validate_certs: no ignore_errors: yes register: result_k8s_dashboard_page retries: 10 delay: 6 until: result_k8s_dashboard_page is succeeded - name: Debian | K8S dashboard URL debug: var: k8s_dashboard_url - name: Debian | Generate join command command: kubeadm token create --print-join-command register: join_command - name: Debian | Copy join command to local file become: false local_action: copy content="{{ join_command.stdout_lines[0] }}" dest="{{ k8s_token_file }}" when: "'k8s-master' in group_names" - name: Debian | Configure K8S Node Block block: - name: Debian | Copy {{ k8s_token_file }} to server location copy: src: "{{ k8s_token_file }}" dest: "{{ k8s_user_home }}/{{ k8s_token_file }}.sh" owner: "{{ k8s_user }}" group: "{{ k8s_user }}" mode: "0750" - name: Debian | Join the node to cluster unless file {{ k8s_kubelet_config }} exists become: true command: sh "{{ k8s_user_home }}/{{ k8s_token_file }}.sh" args: creates: "{{ k8s_kubelet_config }}" when: "'k8s-node' in group_names" ...
Verify Cluster Status
Cluster nodes:
$ kubectl get nodes -o wide NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION INTERNAL-IP EXTERNAL-IP OS-IMAGE KERNEL-VERSION CONTAINER-RUNTIME debian9-101 Ready master 5m30s v1.13.1 GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) 4.9.0-13-amd64 docker://18.9.6 debian9-102 Ready < none> 2m30s v1.13.1 Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) 4.9.0-13-amd64 docker://18.9.6 debian9-103 Ready < none> 2m29s v1.13.1 Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) 4.9.0-13-amd64 docker://18.9.6
Cluster pods:
$ kubectl get pods -n kube-system -o wide NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE NOMINATED NODE READINESS GATES calico-node-fghpt 2/2 Running 0 3m29s debian9-101calico-node-stf8j 2/2 Running 0 77s debian9-103 calico-node-tqx8r 2/2 Running 0 78s debian9-102 coredns-54ff9cd656-52x2n 1/1 Running 0 3m46s debian9-101 coredns-54ff9cd656-vzg6b 1/1 Running 0 3m47s debian9-101 etcd-debian9-101 1/1 Running 0 4m3s debian9-101 kube-apiserver-debian9-101 1/1 Running 0 3m55s debian9-101 kube-controller-manager-debian9-101 1/1 Running 0 3m53s debian9-101 kube-proxy-gc7r2 1/1 Running 0 78s debian9-103 kube-proxy-tfvmj 1/1 Running 0 79s debian9-102 kube-proxy-xf8pv 1/1 Running 0 3m48s debian9-101 kube-scheduler-debian9-101 1/1 Running 0 3m44s debian9-101 kubernetes-dashboard-57df4db6b-gmmcx 1/1 Running 0 3m25s debian9-101
I was looking for Kubernetes + Calico + Ansible. This is very useful, thank you.
I know this is an old article, but do you still use Ansible to deploy things in today’s time?
Hi Kyle, I do indeed. I use Ansible for pretty much everything that’s configuration management related these days. Feel free to have a look at the GitHub repository:
Yo thanks man. You really helped me!
No worries, you’re welcome!